Han Sun
Ph.D. candidate in Structural and Earthquake Engineering | M.S. candidate in Statistics | E.I.T.

education background

Ph.D. candidate in structural and earthquake engineering at University of California Los Angeles

M.S. candidate in statistics at University of California Los Angeles

M.S. in structural engineering at University of Michigan Ann Arbor

B.S. in structural engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Exc. in civil engineering at University of Leeds, UK

Sep. 2014 - now

Sep. 2014 - now

Sep. 2012 - Jan. 2014

Sep. 2008 - Jun. 2012

Jan. 2011 - Jun. 2011

Academic Publications and Conference Proceedings


Zhang Y., Burton, H. V., Sun H., Shokrabadi, M. (2017). "A machine learning framework for assessing post-earthquake structural safety", Structural Safety 72, 1-16. Link

Sun H., Burton H., Zhang Y., Wallace J. (2017). "Interbuilding interpolation of peak seismic response using spatially correlated demand parameters", Earthquake Engng Struct Dyn. , 1–21. Link

Burton, H. V., Sreekumar, S., Sharma, M. and Sun, H. (2017). "Estimating aftershock collapse vulnerability using mainshock intensity, structural response and physical damage indicators", Structural Safety 68, 85-96. Link

Conference Presentations and Proceedings

Sun, H., Burton H. V., Zhang. Y., and Wallace, W. J. (2017). "Inter-Building Interpolation of Peak Seismic Response using Spatially Correlated Demand Parameters", 2017 Structures Congress in Denver, CO.